As a teenager, I wanted to make a living helping women feel amazing, like on America’s Next Top Model - only nicer and ferreal.

Kels, Kelsey, ‘Hey you over there with the camera’ - I’ll answer to any of the above! I’m a mother of two gremlins, I read wayyyy to many fantasy and dark romance books, and my music is 10/10 always louder than it should be.

My house is full of artists and dreamers, which is exactly what I’ve always wanted. I’ve had a camera in my hands since I was around 10 years old. I used to run around with a disposable off the CVS shelf taking pictures of every flower, butterfly, and work of graffiti I could find. But that quickly evolved into taking family photos for my friends and sisters as I got older. What was a passion project, eventually became my full time job when I found what truly made me happy - boudoir photography.

Growing up in the 90’s and early 2000’s, binge watching America’s Next Top Model, I never wanted to be the model - I wanted to be the photographer taking those stunning photos. But I couldn’t fathom being that mean to another women (if you know, you know). Insert discovering boudoir photography, and the modern age where you can be yourself and make a living. What a time we live in.

I’ve built my brand over the years by being my absolute most awkward giggly self. You show up to my studio, and I pride myself on becoming your newest bestie. Here to hype you up, and remind you exactly how stunning and bad ass that you are. So what are you waiting for? Let’s have some fun!